Rightsizing Your Home

Think of your home. Are the closets full? Are you able to access the most important things in your kitchen without having to rearrange a cabinet to get to them? Are the trinkets and picture frames becoming too difficult and time consuming to dust every week? If your home is less manageable than it once was, and there is just too much to do, you might think downsizing to a smaller space is your best option, and it may be! But rightsizing your current home may be the best choice you can make. So what is it?

Rightsizing is the process of customizing your home to suit your current needs, and shifting your perspective on what those needs are. Do you need everything in your full closets, or even remember what’s in there? If you needed it right now, could you put your hands on it? Do the treasures you dust each week add value to your life, or do they end up costing more of your valuable time than you have to spare? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you really miss it if these things were not in your home?

Call Sheilah! helps you determine your needs and priorities, room by room, one item at a time,  by assigning your belongings to the following categories:

1. Useful and cherished items. These are the possessions you need for daily life, and the things that make you happiest. 

2. Items to pass along to family or friends. One important part of this category is knowing if your family and friends want these things, and setting a deadline for pick up.

3. Items to donate. Call Sheilah! Is able to find homes for usable, gently used items with people who need them the most, and we work with many Capital Region organizations to get things into the hands of people who need them most.

4. Items to dispose of. We can haul away anything that’s left over and can’t be donated.

Once we know your needs and priorities, efficient organization of what is left is the key to successful rightsizing. We’ll help determine and implement the right storage solutions for each room, with accessibility at the forefront.

When rightsizing is complete, your home will be efficient and clutter-free, leaving you with more of your most valuable asset: your time. And if you decide to move, one of the hardest parts is already done! You’ve determined your priorities and cleared the clutter, so a move to a more appropriate space should be stress-free.


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